Ways to Donate to PS39
Your donations help fund art, music, science, teaching assistants, enrichments, small class sizes and more! Every dollar counts! Explore the current ways to donate and learn about the grants we have been awarded to help support our school.
Donor's Choose make it easy to help directly fund projects created by our P.S. 39 teachers. You can choose to fund any project for any amount to help a class reach their funding goal. You'll get photos of the project taking place, a letter from the teacher, and insight into how every dollar was spent. Give over $50 and you'll also receive hand-written thank-yous from the students.
Shop For Our School
Help earn money for the school when you shop or bank!
We are also a participant in AmazonSmile. Choose "P S 39 Parent Association Inc" as the organization that you would like to support, and we will get a donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation for 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. Once you’ve signed up with Smile, if you use our Amazon Associates affiliate links above or on the PS39 home page, we will receive funds from both programs! |
Enroll your eligible InvestorsBank accounts with the Care2Share program and designate "P.S. 39 Parent Association, Inc." as the non-profit organization that you want to support, and the PA will receive a donation of 0.25% on average monthly balance of your checking account or 0.15% on average monthly
balance of your savings account.
Enroll your eligible InvestorsBank accounts with the Care2Share program and designate "P.S. 39 Parent Association, Inc." as the non-profit organization that you want to support, and the PA will receive a donation of 0.25% on average monthly balance of your checking account or 0.15% on average monthly
balance of your savings account.
Collect Box Tops for Education (complete list of products available at www.boxtops4education.com). Every Box Top is worth 10 cents, and they add up! Remember to send them in groups of 10, 25, 50 or 100 when possible (convenient collection sheets are available at the Box Tops website), and discard ripped or expired Box Tops. |
Help reduce our lost and found! Buy name labels through Oliver’s Labels and 20% of your purchase will be donated to P.S. 39 Parent Association. |
You can also buy name labels from Mabel’s Labels (choose “PS 39 (Brooklyn)” from the dropdown menu) and 20% of your purchase will be donated to P.S. 39 Parent Association. |
Shop for healthy products for your home and family at MightyNest, and 15% of your purchase will be donated to your designated school. |
Buy your holiday tree, wreath, garland, tree stand, or boughs from Foley's Firs at 724 8th Avenue, and $10 will be donated to a local school that you designate. They also deliever but check at www.foleyfirs.com to make sure they deliver in your zone. |
Our Community Partners
Thank you to our amazing community partners for supporting our school!
Please take a note of these businesses and show them your love. BKLYN Cake Studio Peppino's Pita and Sticks Two Boots- Park Slope La Villa FoliaGardens Colson Patisserie Studio Shape Architectural Grille Slippery Slope Farm Brooklyn Library- Park Slope A BIG thank you to the Gowanus Canal Conservancy for donating compost for our Global Youth Day/Disney Be Inspired/Park Slope Civic Council "Adopting our Neighborhood Trees" on April 21, 2018. |
Please contact the PS 39 Parent Association if you would like to partner with us or sponsor an event.