PS39 offers tools for our families to be up-to-date with information and activities related to the school. It is highly recommended to make use of the tools to stay informed and we encourage you to get in touch if any questions arise. Please note that our email list is only for families with students enrolled at PS 39. For PS39 Alumni please follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
PS39 shares a majority of information with the families of our school via an email list through Constant Contact.
If you have a child that attends PS 39 and you have not signed up for our email list, please click the JOIN LIST button below to sign up or contact our Parent Coordinator, Rudi Ganz for assistance.
Families unable to receive email will receive a paper version of all communications sent home in their child's homework folder.
If you have a child that attends PS 39 and you have not signed up for our email list, please click the JOIN LIST button below to sign up or contact our Parent Coordinator, Rudi Ganz for assistance.
Families unable to receive email will receive a paper version of all communications sent home in their child's homework folder.